We haven't been here yet...Mama - Terra Alite I'M NOT AN ANGEL took II place with excellent...Not about the show...Krakow was really hospitable for us, includind no parking places :)... Big Thank You to Ania Geremek, Affabre Kennel for her strong will in driving!!!
Some pictures below...
Sptkanie z Michałem Pałubskim, członkiem kabaretu "Formacja Chatele" :) , Wiktoria and Michał Pałubski one of performers of very popular Polish cabaret "Formacja Chatele":)
Kilka wystawowych impresji..Ania z Affabre, nasz dzielny kierowca..., Some show impressions...Ania from Affabre, our brave driver...
Nie tylko psy interesowały fotoreportera ;), Not dogs only were in sphere of interests of Photoreporter;)
Podziękowania za zdjęcia dla Bos'a i Zadziornego... Thanx for picts for Bos & Zadziorny :)